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Learn The Secrets That Took Me From Making $6.25 Per Hour To Owning A Multi-Million Dollar Business

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From The Pit Of Poverty

To The Peak Of Prosperity

This is a book about Principles. Principles that have the potential to make you richer than you ever thought possible

This is a book about Beliefs. In order to apply these principles we much first change the way we think about money.

If you Learn and Follow the principles in this book, you will develop the wealth habit that it takes to make anyone wealthier than they ever dreamed possible.

This Book Will Help You Create Belief As You...

⦁ Discover the difference between the rich and poor.
⦁ The hands free money business plan.
⦁ Why not all businesses are created equal.
⦁ Knowing what business you are really in.
⦁ Why you have no competition.
⦁ The CAN system that can change your life.
⦁ The mental and practical money traps that can keep you from your fortune.
⦁ How to get started on the road to riches.

What People Are Saying About "From The Trash Man To Cash Man" in Amazon Reviews...

"This book was amazing! I learned so much! He gives all of the tips for how to become wealthy and how to change the was that you think from a poverty mindset to a prosperity mindset. I highly enjoyed this book."
- Anonymous

"I enjoyed this book so much. I got introduced to him hearing him on the social proof podcast...the knowledge he provided there created a new perspective for me. This book has everything you need to step up to challenges and start becoming the better version of yourself that you desire. Great read!" 
- andre b. mitchell

"Who should read this book? This books is geared primarily towards entrepreneurs or wannabe- entrepreneurs who are "mentally stuck" both emotionally and/or financially. Golden has compiled probably one of the best lists of "truisms" when it comes to the human condition and why we can't move forward. The list of myths and mental traps we experience or fall into is specifically why I give this book 5 stars. His style of writing is very plain and to the point; something I greatly appreciated. If you like books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad or Gerber's E-Myth, then you'll enjoy this book."I enjoyed this book so much. I got introduced to him hearing him on the social proof podcast...the knowledge he provided there created a new perspective for me. This book has everything you need to step up to challenges and start becoming the better version of yourself that you desire. Great read!" 
- Victor Antonio

"After reading this book, I highly recommended it to my team members. Those who read it highly agree, this is a must buy for anyone learning to build wealth. It's a very easy, common sense read and it will easily put things in perspective."
-  1brotha

"This book is phenomenal. The way Myron spelled it out in plain English, a Middle School student could grasp and use these concepts. In my opinion it should be part of every school's curriculum. I have read it several times and just purchased a new copy as this material doesn't get old. Each read leaves you with practical methods that can be applied regardless of your business. Thank God for Myron Golden's From The Trash Man To The Cash Man. It is a MUST READ over and over again. It's concepts are a mainstay in my network marketing business. Read it and you WILL grow a new brain."
-  Carl Z

"Myron Golden's book from the "Trash Man To The Cash Man" is a powerful self-help book with real tools that you can use to start earning an extra stream of income now. Myron is living proof of a man who went from driving a trash truck for $6.25 an hour to becoming a millionaire utilizing the principles outlined in this book. Myron has been a mentor to me and although it is not mentioned on this site Golden personally sold over a million dollars worth of this book before he ever published it on Amazon. In the book Myron teaches his readers how to become Virtual Millionaires. This is a term known by CPA's but unknown by the general public. In essence a Virtual Millionaire can enjoy the same lifestyle as a person who has a million dollars in the bank. Myron's book teaches you how you can become a Virtual Millionaire in as little as 12 months. I have a copy of the book on my desk now. It is a great resource that I often refer to."
-  Kerry Pharr

"I knew it was time to actively change my thinking on money and business. After seeing a Myron video on youtube, from a recommendation of a friend, I wanted to read his book. It's conversational, practical, and transformational. He makes it simple to get started, mainly by helping you to think different, and that difference is to help you begin to think like how the rich think."
-  Walter Scott

Learn the exact system that Myron Golden used to go from a trash man making $6.25 per hour, to owner of a multi-million dollar business and highly sought after business and sales consultant and coach... 

Myron receives $25,000 per hour for coaching. If you paid him to teach you what he teaches you in this book it would take him at least 2 hours 
and would cost you $50,000.

Instead he is offering all that value not for $50,000 
but for ONLY $19.99.

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